On July 10, 2016, David McDaniel Jr. celebrated a milestone - his 21st birthday - something that seemed uncertain after losing several peers to gun violence and barely surviving a drowning incident that took the lives of two of his closest friends.
Just two weeks later, on the night of July 24th, he was met by a hail of bullets as he returned to a friend's house while parking his vehicle. David was rushed to a hospital, but it was too late.
His mother, Jasmine Hardison, was left to grapple with the sudden and devastating loss of her only child. But instead of succumbing to grief, she used this tragedy as a catalyst for change. She began visiting families who had suffered a similar fate and provided them with grief support, resources, and healing circles.
Thus, King David Respect for Life, Inc. was born. Today, the organization is a beacon of hope for countless families in Oakland, recognized by the Oakland Police Department and listed in their resource guide for grief and trauma healing services. We specialize in providing trauma-informed care through holistic modalities such as yoga, sound therapy, and meditation to help families cope with stress, PTSD, anxiety, and depression.